Monday - June 24

 A beautiful day and happy that the strong winds died down overnight.   We were in no hurry today as just cruising 13.3 miles so we walked 3/4 mile to Aroma Coffee Expresso.   Another neat coffee shop with great croissant breakfast sandwiches and sat outdoors with lots of pretty flowers.

Very nice and yummy coffee shop
One of many Air Canada jets taking off from Billy Bishop Airport

Back to Catrina and left the dock at 10:30.   We are at Bluffer's Park Marina in Scarborough/    This is a huge city of over 632,000, but we are very remote.   Ed Wilson, another former employee of PDQ (back in the day) greeted us on the dock (which is normally where he keeps his PDQ).   Ed is the yard manager here at Bluffer's Park which is the largest full-service marina in the Toronto area.   Catrina was  #55 in power cats that PDQ built and Ed has #115 (the last one before they went out of business.

Bye bye Toronto
Passing these white cliffs along the way
Pretty scenery outside marina

We had lunch at Dogfish Pub and Eatery - good stuff and also checked out the trail.    Had a nice quiet afternoon on Catrina with a nice breeze coming in the windows!

Around 6:00, we took the bikes and went for a short ride to the beach - the Scarborough area has 21 beaches.  We saw a few tonight and they were packed!!    

More interesting facts about the CN Tower  - It took 40 months to build starting in February, 1973 and opened to the public in June of 1976.   It took 1,537 contractors working 24-hour days 5 days a week to complete the project.

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