Tuesday - June 25

 I slept in this morning and after breakfast, Mark went for a bike ride while I exercised.   I was walking to join him for a walk - saw this weight-lifting equipment along the banks of Lake Ontario that a boater obviously uses.   And then we saw a couple doing yoga on the dock!   We have our little exercise set-up here on Catrina where I use the pulleys, stretch bands, bar for stretching, weights, etc. for my shoulder!

Had a very pleasant walk along the water - rocky shoreline and the tall bluffs.    It was cool today and no sun; brief shower came thru around 3:30.    Both of us went for a short bike ride and then lunch at Bluffers (2 restaurants here at the marina - Dogfish, more casual where we ate yesterday and then Bluffers which is also a wedding venue and features Greek Mediterranean fare.)  Mark had spaghetti bolognese and I had Melitzanosalata (Greek dip) with warm pita bread and olives - all very good.  

Took the bikes back to the boat and got them secured.   Nice relaxing afternoon.

Lifting weights by the water
Pretty walk along the shore
Tall bluffs
Floating homes (some are 3-stories) at the marina
Vibrant flowers at Bluffers

Around 6:00, the winds really picked up and Mark's sweet tooth was calling to him!!!    So we walked to Bluffers for dessert - he had the black forest mousse cake with strawberries and I had baklava.   Both excellent!

Black forest mousse cake

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