Wednesday - June 19

 The HEAT is ON here in Hamilton, Ontario.     91 with 96% humidity.....whew...we've been so spoiled with our pleasant temps so now we're catching up to rest of the country!  😬

We left Fifty Point Marina at 8:17 and just a short trip to Newport Yacht Club in Stoney Creek.   We were able to dock in a nice wide slip and Mark rode his bike to Napa for wiper blades.   I stayed on Catrina.   This is a really nice spot with condos surrounding the marina.   Then we were on our way to Hamilton - 7.5 miles west.   Hamilton is a huge industrial town with a population of 569,353 as of 2021.   We got diesel at the West Harbor Marina where we'll stay tonight. 

Pretty roses climbing the stairs
The Canadians fill their flower boxes or window boxes with gorgeous blooms

In Canada, when refueling any and all boats, the crew must get off the boat and only the person doing the fueling is allowed to stay on.    When Mark made the reservation a few days ago, lo and behold, he talked to the dockmaster, Rory McGuiness and we knew Rory from 1994 when he was with PDQ in Whitby and we bought Sail Catrina.   Rory worked there as a salesman.    What a nice surprise!   

We settled into our slip, had lunch and then I did 3 loads of laundry.  whew...HOT, HOT, HOT!!!   Fortunately they put us very near the laundromat and across the way (but a good jaunt) is Williams Fresh Cafe (sandwiches, ice cream, coffee, etc.)  tomorrow?

Fisher's Pub in a very old building dating back to 1857 when Patrick Egan opened a tavern was where we walked to dinner tonight (1/2 mile).    The Fisher family took it over and 5 generations later, still going strong.    We had excellent dinners and drinks!

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