Saturday - June 8

 Woke up to clear sunny skies and "calm"!    After all the crazy wind from past days....what a treat!

We did some cleaning, organizing, and 1 tiny load of wash in my new machine which Michael and Brooke gave me for Mothers Day.    It's for travelers or when a laundromat is not close by or for individual delicate articles.    We set it in the shower and wah lah1   When not in use, it collapses so doesn't take up much room.   

Mini wash machine
a whole new concept to doing laundry

We walked downtown to the Arts Festival at Waterworks Park.   Lots of vendors but all the folks were struggling with the massive amount of mayflies covering their merchandise, tents, etc., which appeared again....after the strong winds from past 2 days and Mark turning off the light by Catrina, it hasn't been bad at all for us.  We had just a few this morning....but oh my, all the businesses, homes and everything was covered.   

Bugs bugs everywhere!
Billions and billions blew in overnight and wherever there was light, extra bad!
We had a good laugh at this sign on booth table

We stopped at Coffee Express and shared a chicken teriyaki sandwich with veggies and dip - excellent.
On home, took a nap and read.

Luke and Maeve are staying with their Nana and Pa this week.    Maeve loves all of Nana's chickens and each has a name....

Maeve wiith a friend
Hangin' out with the chicks

Apparently Mommy (Annette) loved the chickens growing up, too
Little Annette with her chicken friend riding around in her motorized, personalized 
wagon built by her Dad

and then there's this go-cart for the kiddos to enjoy
                                                                        Cool-hand Luke
Wild-woman Maeve

At 5, we left for Tackle Box 2 in Fremont with Bob, Donna, Dennis and Teri.    We had a great meal (this place is so funky with tons of paraphernalia, great food and just a really cool place in the middle of nowhere along the Sandusky River).   We all enjoyed our meals (Mark and I shared the big perch dinner) with of laughs and chatter.
Donna, Pat, Teri
Dennis, Mark, Bob
Great bunch of friends at Tackle Box 2

Back home and Donna invited us to their boat (sun porch) for more visiting!   Just started raining when we went back to Catrina.







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