Sunday - June 30

 2024 is 1/2 over - how can that be?   Where oh where has this year gone?    So today, the end of June, we are in the 60's and windy wearing jeans and sweatshirts.   Very unusual especially when much of the US is HOT!

Mark got our collapsible wagon out of the front storage locker and away we went (1st time to use this year).   First stop was EggSmart for another excellent breakfast and then to Metro walking the aisles and then later with our 3 bags + bottled water and Gatorade, we walked back to Catrina.

Later, we took the wagon full of laundry to the marina and did 3 loads.   Groceries and laundry - 2 big jobs out of the way!

We went to Mass with Father Jonathan in Port Clinton.    He always connects a personal life story with the gospel and readings - today, he talked about June Bugs, Mayflies or Canadian Soldiers!    All the same thing, depending on where you live.  We've not seen another mayfly since leaving June 11th.  

I was so sorry and sad to read in today's Pantagraph online that Dr. Patel had passed away.    He was my OB-GYN for many years and delivered Philip and Ryan.   What a wonderful man - so humble and kind and always smiling and whistling.    He delivered over 10,000 babies in his career!

Tomorrow is Canada Day and a big celebration planned for here in Whitby.   A large soccer field is next door to our marina - main location for all the festivities and they are getting all ready with cones controlling parking, many porta potties, etc.    We will have ringside seats on Catrina's bridge for the fireworks.

Zoom was with 8 concerns, upcoming surgeries, vacations, 4th of July plans, Hannah's bridal shower, etc.

Michael and family (+Tessa, Drew's girlfriend) are back home tonight after a week on St. John's Virgin Islands.     And Philip and his family are home after vacationing at Annette's parents, an Alaskan cruise and Las Vegas.  

Enjoy your week!

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