Sunday - June 9

 Whoaaaa....the mayflies were back worse than ever.   Dennis came with his high-powered blower and cleaned off Catrina, other boats and the sidewalks - what a nice guy.   But they still kept coming back.   The wind picked up and although out of the west, they were awful.   It's the north wind that brings them to land and Lake Erie is among the worst.

We went to 10:30 Mass with Father Jonathan, then stopped to pick up 3 Amazon packages and ice, another delicious sandwich-to-go from Coffee Express and on home.

Bob, Donna, Dennis and Teri went home this morning, so it's just us here at the marina.

Michael, Brooke, Brady and Blair drove to Little Switzerland (NC) today (45 minutes from Lake James) for lunch.   They had heard about this area but never, another place to check out when we are visiting.

Blair and Brady at Little Switzerland
Brady just returned from a week with friends at Myrtle Beach

We went for a walk in a neighborhood we hadn't been to before - came upon the Lakeview Cemetery and always fascinating reading the gravestones and the long-ago dates.

Back home we played 2 games of 2-handed euchre and I won both!    Surprise!!!   The winds are stronger than ever.

Anne and 2 long-time girlfriends from Arizona and Texas met in San Diego this weekend for
 lots of girl fun.
Sue, Anne, Heather
Champagne brunch cruise

Zoom tonight with 9 siblings - missing Janet (her birthday is today and she was with family) and Sharon who is with her new grandson, Mason.   Health issues discussed, 4 sisters are at McCormick's Creek in Indiana this week, Theresa's new haircut, Doris's granddog, Teddy seriously injured, our upcoming Canadian trip, etc.

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