Saturday - August 31

 Hope your weekend is off to a good start.  We were awakened at 2:30 AM with high winds, thunder, lightning and heavy rain. strong gust of wind really shook Flo (and us)!    Fortunately, it didn't last long.

 After breakfast, we took off for Bassetts (groceries), coffee at R Coffee Corner and WalMart for a Rx - trying to get all our meds delivered before we start traveling again.

On home, I washed Flo's windows and vacuumed one last time on Catrina.   

Today starts college football.   Anne and her friend Patti are in Iowa City today for the Iowa versus IL State game.    Iowa won 40-0!    Yeah Hawkeyes!

Before the game started, several came to tour Flo.....Bob and Donna, Teri and Dennis, Michael and Chris and Jerry.   Mark had an issue with our batteries (charger wasn't charging the batteries), so he worked on those (since he's not a big sports fan).

I went to Donna's big OSU football party (they are playing Akron) on "Blessed"   She even gave me a shirt to wear which I said only since they're not playing Iowa or Notre Dame!😉   Donna is a HUGE OSU fan.    

Go Buckeyes 

We all brought appetizers to the party - much good food!   OSU won 52-6.
Mark came later after he got battery charger working, and enjoyed the people, food and a little bit of the game.

Friday - August 30

 I washed Big Red and Ruby - a little challenging with a bum hand and shoulder but Mark helped in the higher spots, especially with Big Red...

Then we tackled the bridge cushions....what a job as the foam and vinyl outside covering get nasty by the end of the season....lots of spraying with mold and mildew cleaner, soaking, rubbing with a brush and rinsing.    Icky poo job!    HOT today - 90

Today starts the 19th annual Perch, Peach, Pierogi and Polka event sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.   

We waked downtown (a HOT walk)  and shared the perch dinner (3 big pieces of perch, fries and slaw) - all delicious.   Sat in the shade on Madison Street listening to the Water Street band.

On home and saw Dennis and Teri - so good to see them as we;ve only been with one time before we left on our big trip and then they've been traveling,   

Bob came up tonight and we hung out on their (he and Donna's) boat along with Dennis and Teri - great to be together with many laughs and stories of our trips this summer.

Maeve and Luke are winding down their summer fun!

Thursday - August 29

 Ahhh....I slept in after a great night on Flo.   Mark is always so considerate (he's ALWAYS up early)  being super quiet when he's up and about, making his coffee, etc.!    When you have 2 tiny homes, there's not a lot of space to be further apart!  

And more praise for my Captain (soon to be camper buddy), as he went to Coffee Express for muffins and coffees!    And then on with the day....

Very cloudy but no rain in the forecast today.   Ended up with a few sprinkles and the afternoon was bright, sunny and warm!

Another good day - Mark worked on Catrina jobs for end-of-season,,,,I went thru a bunch of over-the-counter meds, and checked expiration dates and got Flo's medical stuff organized.

We went to Wal Mart in the afternoon for a bunch of piddles and groceries.    Got all that stuff put away and ready to sit and chill!

Facetime with Luke and Maeve on their way to Maeve's open house at school.   Luke's was yesterday.  They will start classes on catching up!

Luke 'n Maeve - ready for a new school year
Maeve's open house

TAH 4:14, Mark got the text that his package (hearing aide_ was finally delivered to Justin's office in NC)!    We took off for the post office to get our $30.45 refund - the guy was so clue after it left Port Clinton what happened or where it's been all this time???   We'll have Justin send to Kamp Komfort as we're leaving next Wednesday - not taking any chances!😞😞😟

Enjoyed an early dinner at our favorite Mexican place here in PC - Cabo Las Palmas.....sooo yummy + leftovers.

When we got back to Superior Marine, what a nice surprise to see Donna had arrived (thought she was coming tomorrow)~!    Mark helped her carry stuff from car to boat.   She made an apple pie for us - what a dear!   Donna and Bob have 9 varieties of apple trees on their farm.

What a beauty!


Wednesday - August 28

 Rained early morning but then cleared and only 82 today!   Mark went to WalMart for oil for the generator.   I did my thing cleaning out the fridge and more moving more stuff.

Anther fiasco with the USPS......on Saturday, we went to the Port Clinton post office to mail Mark's hearing aide to his audiologist in NC (our nephew, Justin).   It needed a new receiver.   Justin would take care of it and ship back to us here in PC or wherever we told him as we didn't know how long it would take.  We paid $30 to have overnight shipping - guaranteed delivery by Monday.    Well, here it's Wednesday and the package is nowhere to be found.   PC says it left and been in Toledo.   But Toledo post office says it left there.   Mark has been going in or calling 2x a day....this morning, they said it's not considered lost for at least 30 days!!!   WHAT?????    That's we wait.   All this technology of a tracking #, etc., isn't worth diddly squat!   

Went to A la Cart for lunch - love this place for breakfast, but lunch was very good, too.   Mark had a veal parmesan sandwich and I had a patty melt.   Drove around a bit and then on home.   Couldn't believe the fall color in one area we drove thru.

Trees are starting to turn!

We both took a nap and rested a bit and then........back at it, but overall, a very productive day!!!

Our nightly walk around the marina and called it a day!   Spending tonight on Flo.

Brady at Notre Dame

Tuesday - August 27

 Very hot, very sunny, very breezy today!   We were off at 7:30 with our laundry.   But first stopped at R Coffee Corner for breakfast.  After getting the washers going, Mark went to Bassett's for a few groceries.    On home.  He did more engine stuff  + changed oil in the generator and I moved more pantry stuff + clothes back to Flo and put away the clean laundry

This afternoon, we decided ice cream was in order on this hot day, so went to Scooter's - Mark got a chocolate milkshake and I had a hot fudge sundae.   Even with the air on, the car registered 100.    All the states where our family is - IL, NC, IN, IA and we in OH were in the mid-upper 90's.  😮

BLT's and potato salad for supper.   At 6:45 we got the alert on our phones about a severe thunderstorm warning for Ottawa County (that's us) for the next 5 hours, 17 minutes!   

Our homes and vehicles all together....

We had some strong winds, thunder. lightning and rain, but so far, nothing too wild!

Monday - August 26

 It's Monday and a very happening day here at Superior Marine with 3 boats (2 sail and one biggie power yacht - 58' Sea Ray) leaving - all by land!!!

Said good bye to Bob and Donna who are headed home till Friday.

2 big transport trucks came in around 8:30 and loaded up the 1st sailboat which is an oldie (hasn't been in the water for 15 years!!!).    The owner is taking it to Cleveland, having it restored and then going into a museum.

2nd sailboat is going to Chicago and new owner will be racing it.

And the big power boat is headed to Lake Cumberland in Kentucky.   Mark enjoyed watching from the sidelines (5 Superior employees +++ several others with the trucks (wide load trucks for in front of and back of the transports) - wow....have never seen this much excitement here

We are in for a very HOT week ahead...I moved more clothes to Flo - just 5' away - LOVE this easy transfer here at Superior!!!

Our friends and neighbors from Cypress Trail arrived at 1:30.   They are on an RV trip for several weeks and won't be back home (Destin, FL) till mid October.

Ann and Duaine
Our last Catrina ride for 2024

Sat in cool Catrina enjoying wine and chatter - Mark siphoned the oil out of engines (end-of-season job while the engines are still hot).   We showed them around the marina including the shrink wrapped big boat that is going to Lake Cumberland.    The guys have been working on this all day and not sure when they'll finish.    The drivers were hoping to get to Cincinnati tonight, but???   Duaine and Ann left in their RV for East Harbor State Park where they're staying tonight.   

We picked them up and had dinner at The Orchard Farmstand and then back to East Harbor for a glass of wine sitting outside their RV and finally (when the bugs arrived) we headed back to Catrina.    Such a fun day with thee dear friends.    Looking forward to seeing them when they come to Cypress Trail in December.

When we got back to the marina, the big boat is still here - guess they'll leave "early" in the morning???    We do know it's costing $25,000 to transport + whatever shrink wrap costs + the take down and securing the cockpit canopy which had to be taken down cause of Ohio highways and bridges!   It was 15' 11"...

BIG yacht shrink-wrapped and almost ready to roll....

Connor and his Danville Community College golf buddies had their 1st tournament today near Moline, IL.    11 schools participated with 81 golfers........................Connor placed 10th and his team came in 3rd.    Way to go, Connor!!!

1st day of middle school

Sunday - August 25

 We went to 10:30 Mass at Immaculate Conception with Father Mark Herzog filling in for Father Jonathan who is cruising in the Mediterranean.

Back home for lunch and then a 1-hour boat trip on "So Blessed" with Bob and, fun cruising in the AC on their big Viking!  Lots of boaters out and about this hot summer day but Lake Erie was pretty calm!

Back to the marina and Mark and I (mainly Mark) got Catrina washed (friends coming tomorrow from CT) and I moved more clothes to Flo.   Mark was up early and got more lockers cleaned out on Flo....looks great!

Had  good chat with Michael hearing all their weekend in South Bend moving Brady into Notre Dame!    

Picked up Bob and Donna and off to The Crow's Nest for dinner - this is a popular place in Marblehead and we a enjoyed another very good meal!

Bob and Donna

Zoom tonight...10 siblings just missing Tom.    Today is Jim and Lydia's anniversary, we discussed health issues, updates on kids/grandkids, my kidney stone procedure, traveling by air versus car, new school year, etc.

Enjoy the week ahead!


Saturday - August 24

 Today is the 56th anniversary of our engagement - 8/24/68. time flies!!!

Best "YES" ever!!!

We walked downtown to A la Cart for delicious breakfast - a very happening place.   Back home and started doing our thing with 2 homes....Mark worked in the back of the truck organizing and I sorted thru clothes and got some things transferred to Flo's closet.  

Mark washed Flo in the afternoon - I can't reach very high with brush but helped a little with hose,

We had dinner at 1812 with Bob, Donna, Michael and Chris - what a fun time sitting on the patio on this beautiful evening - great food and conversation with lots of laughs.

Back to the boat and saw our neighbors Justin and Aliza from Cincinnati - they were going to dinner at 1812 and celebrate Justin's Dad's (from Ocala, FL) 80th birthday!

Wine on "So Blessed" with these great boat sisters (missing Teri and Dennis who are in FL) and hubbies and more chatter.

Michael, Chris, Pat, Mark, Donna, Bob

Friday - August 23

 What a beautiful day - loving this fall-like weather, but it's gonna warm up the next few days!

Mark got a haircut with Gina and then left for Jackson Center with Big Red to pick up Flo.   Since it's a 4+ hour round trip, he thought I should stay on Catrina....I can walk and keep drinking water!   Very thankful I'm feeling good after the kidney stone procedure with no pain or soreness.

Chris and I walked downtown to check out a new shop "Verve", very eclectic with all kinds of neat things,   No purchases for either of us!   

Mark and Flo arrived at 3:15 and he got her parked next to Catrina.....gosh it seems like we were just doing this - moving from Flo to Catrina and now time to reverse!  

We walked downtown and had a deluxe flatbread pizza at The Bait House - sooo good!   

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday - August 22

 An early start to our day - up at 5:10 and off to Magruder Hospital by 6 for my lithotripsy procedure (pulverizing, blasting, crushing) my 2 kidney stones (thought I only had 1, but x-ray showed 2).  When all is said and done, those little suckers end up like fine sand. 

The staff were all wonderful....nurses (Sisl, Margie, Kahle, Kelly), x-ray tech, Sherry and Dr. Yontz (anesthesiologist), Dr. Buck (urologist) and Derek, who actually does the zapping with the machine.    Derek was doing 2 procedures in Port Clinton today and 2 more in Bowling Green (45 miles apart).    He told me the other patient today was a Patricia....what are the odds?

The procedure took 35 minutes and we were at the hospital a total of 4 hours.    My caregiver is once again doing what he does best....making sure I drink plenty of water and walk every hour (at least 5 minutes or more) to prevent blood clots.   

We had delicious chicken salad from Costco for lunch.   Mark went to WalMart for a Rx and a few groceries and I took a nap.  It is another gorgeous day and feels so good to be outdoors.

 I was told to "take it easy today" with no cooking, cleaning, anything strenuous, no driving, etc.  and  I always abide by the rules 😃.   Mark went to Frisch's for some delicious tenderloins for our supper!

One more walk in the evening and visited with Chris - her friends went home this morning and her Michael is coming up tomorrow.

Nighty night!

Wednesday - August 21

Bright, sunny, breezy and very cool start to the day.   Mark worked on several piles of stuff in the storage building that will eventually be going on Flo or staying on Catrina.

Took Catrina for a pump-out and diesel a few slips away. 

Luke and Maeve hiking yesterday at South Mountain

This biggie came in today - "Dynamic" from Newport, MI

Dynamic is 70' long and needs new props which are ginormous.   While it's out of the water, the guys will also be checking to see IF it will fit into the building at the end of the season with that high tuna tower???

We had leftovers and then walked downtown.

One of my boat sisters, Chris is up here this week with 3 girlfriends - they've been having a lot of "girl" fun and invited me over tonight for some birthday cake (Melody) - delicious chocolate/peanut butter.   So fun to visit with these gals.

Chris, Rose, Melody, Monica



Tuesday - August 20

 We left at 9:30 in Big Red pulling Flo heading to Jackson Center (126 miles).   Stopped in North Baltimore for diesel and then at Cracker Barrel for lunch in Findlay (Flag City USA.    They have the neatest water tower - all in red, white and blue with "Salute to Findlay Veterans" across the top!

Got Flo parked at the Airstream headquarters, Mark talked to the guy handling the list of things (not too long) for her check-up tomorrow,and we were outta there.   He saw the sign in office "Labor - $169 per hour"  OUCH!!!  😖

We took a bit of a different route home as there was so much construction on Route 6 before we hit 75 South.   Much more pleasant on these country roads.

Anne is now officially an "Empty Nester" after taking Liam to Iowa City today.   We had a good chat (few tears) on her way home.   Also talked to Brady who leaves tomorrow with parents and Blair for South Bend (2-day trip).  

Went for a short brisk walk (still windy) and Mark snapped this beauty

Portage River - across from Catrina

Monday - August 19

Strong winds out of the north....Mark ran some errands and brought back coffees and a piece of Farmer's quiche to share along with grapes from Coffee Express and I added a fresh peach to make a delicious breakfast.   

Much cooler today and all week long, only in the 70's - not typical weather for August.   Long pants, jeans feel good!

Mark watched and hung out with the guys as 2 big boats were lifted out today - one for bottom wash and paint and the other will be trucked to KY (57') - yikes!

We had lunch and then left for Toledo around 1:00.   Stopped at Costco for a few things.   I had a 4:00 appt. for a facial at Massage Envy which was just across the parking lot from Costco.    Margarita did a wonderful job and a big thanks to Anne, Liam and Connor (Mother's Day gift).    I was truly in La La Land!  😂

3 years ago on August 24, 2021, we came to Toledo to celebrate the 53rd anniversary of our engagement and ate at Mancy's Steakhouse (#1 in Toledo).   It was wonderful and we decided to go back.....another awesome meal in this 103-year old establishment full of charm with brick walls and arches, Tiffany lampshades over the tables, etc.    Sandy, our waitress was great and they were very busy for a Monday night.


On home and along the way, we chatted with Liam who will leave tomorrow with Anne for Iowa City and begin his sophomore year.   He's excited, the car is packed and off they go.

Connor checked in after we got home - he had his first day of classes and all went well +  putting practice with his team.   So proud of these boys and their enthusiasm - love hearing all about their new lifestyle!   Patrick would be bursting his buttons!!!

Our little "Woody" is all grown up and a big college boy
Disney Day at school
April 19, 2013

This trip to Toledo today went MUCH better than almost a year ago (8/24/23) when we were driving towards Toledo (enroute to our nephew's wedding in Cedarburg, WI) when I had the bad kidney stone attack and we returned to Port Clinton.    

Sunday - August 18

 Cloudy morning with some rain around 6 and then sunny in the afternoon.    We said good bye to Donna and Bob who were headed home to their farm till next weekend.

We walked downtown to The Yellow House Bakery (raspberry cheese turnover for Mark and peach muffin for me) - this place is good (not as big a selection as Coffee Express) but only open on the weekends.

Stopped at Coffee Express for our coffees and on home - had planned on a longer walk, but skies were getting dark - nothing developed!

We went to the storage building and got stuff on Flo stowed away and ready for traveling.    We're taking her to Jackson Center (about 2 hours south of Port Clinton) Tuesday for her yearly check-up and a few things to fix at the Airstream factory.

Did another measurement on reaching higher with my right shoulder - maybe 1/2" ?

BLT's for supper - oh my....sooo yummy!    Short walk after supper - it's windy and strong winds to continue all night thru tomorrow.

Zoom tonight was missing Tom, Janet and Sharon.    Discussed holiday travel plans for our niece's wedding in October, Thanksgiving and Christmas and the high cost of air travel!   Last night was Joe and Joan's 50th anniversary party which was a big success.    Doris talked about her sister-in-law, Geri's passing last night from Alzheimer's (her late husband Rich's sister).   Also Doris talked about her family vacation at Myrtle Beach - fun time despite hurricane Debby then becoming a tropical storm - VERY humid.

Have a great week ahead!

Saturday - August 17

 Congratulations to Joe and Joan (Mark's sister) celebrating their 50th anniversary today!

Happy 50th

Happy Saturday!   I made sausage/eggs/toast and fresh peaches for breakfast.   Mark set to work doing some camera stuff for the engine rooms (making things more efficient)!

I watched the livestreaming of my cousin, Aidan's memorial service in Cincinnati.    Aidan died on August 5th from heat exhaustion/dehydration while hiking in southern CA     So many photos and wonderful eulogies - very heartbroken for his family.   He was pursuing a mechanical engineering degree at the U of Alabama with one semester left and then on to get his masters in aerospace engineering,    He was doing an internship at Argo Space in LA this summer and died doing what he loved best.....hiking.   A very emotional teary-eyed service.

Blair facetimed this morning and showed off her new backpack and all the accessories for starting middle school on the 26th.    She's excited and how well I remember (sooo many years ago) the thrill of starting a new school year with new clothes and school supplies!

Sweet Blair
How can she be going into 6th grade???

We picked Bob and Donna up at 3:30 and we were off to Marblehead and 4:00 Mass at St. Joseph's.   Really like this church and their pastor, Father Joe. (very Polish).

St. Joseph's - Marblehead

Then onto Cleats for dinner - we've been here once before and it was good as ever....just a bit of a jaunt from our marina but close to church,    Back to the boats and went onboard "So Blessed" for 3 rousing games of euchre all won by Bob and I beating Donna and Mark!!!    Fun evening with lots of laughs!

Friday - August 16

 Mark went to Coffee Express and got 2 slices of their quiche and coffee - they have several different choices - love their quiche, muffins, cinnamon rolls, cookies and of course, coffees!!!

Then we were off to do the laundry (4 loads).   Mark helped get the washers going and then left for a Wal Mart run.   We stopped at Bergman Orchards for a few things and on home.  We had just a few sprinkles at the laundromat but the closer we got to the had a downpour here but by 10:45, all was done.    Had another brief shower an hour later.

Bob and Donna arrived around noon and she brought us a cherry/blackberry cobbler (fruits from their farm) - WOW.....sooo delicious!!!

Got a call from Ken's Auto Body and Paint Shop that Ruby was finished.    She looks great with her new back bumper!    

So sad to hear from Annette's Mom that their beautiful gazebo on their farm in IL was hit by lightning early this morning.....such a pretty, peaceful spot and now in ruins.


BLT's for supper    Went for a walk and met Greg and Tracey from Powell, OH on their boat "Inspiration" across the marina from us.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Thursday - August 15

I walked downtown on this sunny Thursday for my 9:00 appt. with Dr. Kast (dentist).   In early May I broke off part of my tooth but hasn't bothered me.    I made an appt. in June for today and then follow-up on 9/3 if I needed a crown.   He always has me laughing and  has a ceramic pot in the room that says "Ashes of Problem Patients"!!!    This is my 2nd visit (back in '22 he took care of a problem tooth) so we caught up on our boating travels and our mutual love of Niagara-on-the-Lake.   He and his wife go there frequently for their  "fix" of this beautiful place.   She told him if he ever disappears, she'll know where to find him 😄

Dr. Kast's daughter Courtney joined him in practice 7 years ago and he's been at it since 1985.   What a delightful man and even more so when he told me I didn't need a crown - he would take out the old filling and put in a new one!   Yippee!!!!!   One hour and several laughs later, I was on my way.

Stopped at Coffee Express for a latte and on home,    While I was gone, Mark got his lockers/cabinets in our spare bedroom all spiffy and organized.   Quiet afternoon with good books, games on our I-pads, naps, etc.     

 Went for a walk after supper and had a few sprinkles.   Rain is in our forecast for possibly the next 4 days!    We sure need it.

Our neighbors at Cypress Trail (Buddy and JoAnn) are currently vacationing in the Maritime Provinces.    They've been staying at some of the same RV parks we stayed at in August, 2012.   Been reliving our trip from the blog and enjoying their experiences!

Wednesday - August 14

 Beautiful day....visited with Sharon this morning and then said our good byes - she was here a short time but we packed in a lot of fun!!!

One more pic before Sharon left us at 8:15

Mark returned to his job list and I worked on setting up appointments and dates for getting together with family and friends when we're at KK in September.

Tomorrow is the Feast of the Assumption of Mary into heaven (holy day of obligation).   We went to the vigil mass at 5 at St. Joseph's Church in Marblehead with Father Joseph Szybka.
I loved hearing all the beautiful songs about Mary from my childhood.

We had never been to The Crow's Nest in Marblehead but heard good things.    We started with an appetizer of sauerkraut balls with homemade sauce recommended by our waitress, Maddie.    They were delicious.....Mark had ribs and I had crab cakes - all very good.

On home....

Tuesday - August 13

 A very busy fun day.....Mark and Sharon walked to A la Cart for breakfast downtown and I took Big Red to Magruder Hospital for pre-testing (EKG and blood work).   Came home and we left shortly on Catrina heading to Put In Bay on a glorious day with blue skies and very calm waters (sooo unusual for Lake Erie).   A very pleasant 1-hour trip and docked at Park Place for their "Dock 'n Dine" 4-hour deal.

Sharon and I walked to Noddi's Java House for coffee and a white chocolate macadamia nut cookie for me (my breakfast).   Mark got the golf cart rental and we were off to show Sharon the island.    We were here, there and everywhere showing her the sites and ending at The Chocolate Museum (out of South Bend) for ice cream (Mark and I) and chocolates (Sharon).

Since they had the big breakfast, no lunch for us so we returned the cart , walked to Catrina and enjoyed the 1-hour trip back to the marina coming thru the 3:00 bridge.

Then we took Sharon on a tour of Port Clinton, Catawba Island and Marblehead via Big Red.    Here are some of the highlights of today...

Ahhh...the good life
Sharon's 1st time on Lake Erie
Mark and Sharon on our golf cart tour
Heading back to Port Clinton
Sharon at Marblehead Lighthouse
Mark and Sharon at Twin Oast Brewery

Our final stop was Gideon Owen Winery for dinner - it's sooo beautiful with the architecture, grounds, flowers, fire pits, etc. etc.    Sharon loved it.
Delicious dinners and then Mark had a chocolate torte and Sharon and I shared their signature dessert -
 ooey gooey butter cake with fruit compote and ice cream

We sat by the firepit on this beautiful evening and visited then walked around the grounds and finally. on home!

Sharon at Gideon Owen Winery

Unfortunately, getting out and about showed us just how very dry it is...the grass is very brown and brittle unlike the lush green we saw in Canada and New York just a few weeks ago.    We have all enjoyed this awesome day!   And so happy to share it all with Sharon.


Monday - August 12

 Beautiful day.....Mark took the car to auto repair shop to fix a small dent on back bumper from Fort Myers mishap.   Could take a week to fix.   He rode his bike back to the marina.   Nippy this morning but quickly warmed up.   I finished tidying up Catrina and ready for Sharon's arrival.     It was a beautiful day!

Later we went to Magruder Hospital so I could see exactly where I'm to go for pre-testing tomorrow (kidney stone pulverized on 8/22).   Then we got Big Red washed and on home for lunch. 

Sharon arrived at good to see her and appreciate the 5+ hour drive she did.    We visited on Catrina's bridge and later walked to The Docks for dinner by the water.   More catching up!

Walked back to Catrina and continued the much to yak about.

The siblings
Sharon and Mark

Sunday - August 11

 Today started out sunny and calm as could be.   We picked Donna up and went to 8:00 Mass with Father Jonathan at Immaculate Conception.   Father said he's going on a 3-week trip (Mediterranean cruise out of Rome.   We are happy for him but sad for us as today was our last time with him till next spring.    He's a GEM!!!

Then to the Elks for their Sunday-during-the-Summer All You Can Eat Buffet + Bloody Mary's, Mimosas and Coffee Cocktails (coffee with rumchata).    What a wonderful spread of every breakfast item imaginable all prepared and served by the Elk men and women and open to the public.    We've heard about this and seen the ads, but 1st time for us - excellent and all for $14.    All proceeds go to various charities.

We came out of the Elks and whoaaaa.....crazy windy AGAIN!!!!   On home and got a pic of Donna - what a fun friend, neighbor and boat sister!!!

Donna and "So Blessed"

We visited with Michael, Chris and Donna and then set to work getting a pump out for Catrina and a good scrubbing.   With all the wind, won't take long to dry.

Flower fix for today - downtown is full of Mandevillas

Bob arrived this afternoon for a few days.   He and Donna live on a farm, so always lots to do but happy when he can get away from it all and come to his boat!    A big 61' Sea Ray came in from Sarnia, Ontario with engine trouble.   Mechanic will check it out tomorrow.

Michael, Chris, Bob, Donna, Mark and I went to Ciao Bella for dinner...

Michael, Chris, Donna, Bob, Pat

Back to Donna and Bob's for more visiting, laughing, etc.

No zoom tonight for us.  

Mark's sister Sharon is coming from Louisville tomorrow for a few days!   1st time for her to see Catrina, Port Clinton, etc.

Saturday - August 10

 Much cooler today with clouds and sun - still breezy.    I slept in - wow!   Felt good!    After breakfast we walked downtown to mail some cards.   I was going to get a coffee but Coffee Express had a long line and then many others waiting for their order, fix today.   We walked on and enjoyed this pretty day - everything seems so fresh and almost fall-like.

Back home for lunch and a leisurely afternoon.   Lots of people heading to the ferry and off to Put in Bay for the day or weekend including a bride-to-be with her friends!  

 Been looking into airline tickets for upcoming trips - whoaaa...prices are really high!   

Liam started moving some things into his house for sophomore year at Iowa.   Classes start the 26th.

The boat "Serenity" came in this afternoon.    Tim and wife from Cincinnati will store "Serenity" here at Superior for the winter.   They recently bought the boat in Holland, MI. Mark offered him a ride to pick up his truck and trailer at the boat ramp.

When we were downtown earlier today we walked past the big ship containers (4) that were brought in, painted a soft green and set up as a bar, entertainment, big-screen TV and restrooms.   Across the way is a food truck "Ringside" claiming to have thee best burger downtown.    So....we kept that thought and walked back downtown late afternoon and shared a burger - it was excellent and huge!   Had drinks and sat by a firepit - crazy in August to feel cozy sitting by the fire, but with the strong wind and sun behind all the clouds, felt really good.

Back  home, walked over to say hi to Michael and Chris and their kiddos, stopped in to see Donna and back to Catrina

Around 8:00, the wind finally calmed down!

Friday - August 9

 The strong winds are back!      Mark finished up some projects, but a man's work is never done on a boat!   Ha!   Always something to do and guys like to putter around!  And another trip to the hardware store.

We picked up Donna and off to Bistro 163, the "Pay it Forward" community-run restaurant that is so good.   Donna had never been and she was quite impressed.   The lady volunteers are all so nice!

Mark and Donna dropped me off downtown and I got a mani/pedi with Danielle.   They went back to their boats.   I walked home and waited for Mark who was out and about visiting with Michael who is here with Chris and some family members for the weekend - comparing notes about our trips.

Beautiful evening...we went for a short walk -still pretty breezy out.

Have a nice weekend!

Thursday - August 8

 Our mornings start out bright 'n sunny, but soon the clouds roll in - much less wind today....Mark went to Coffee Express for my skinny vanilla latte - more attaboy points!

Connor is all moved in and ready to start college life along with the golf competitions that will start soon.

We set to work with more odd jobs - Mark got the new TV installed yesterday and today, worked on speakers (I love my music) - so he's been taking things out and putting in new or old things and I'm able to clean in the nooks and crannies that were hard to get to!  😃

I got some stuff organized on Flo....can't believe in 3 weeks we'll be transferring our stuff from one home to the other.

I've been in touch with Loli who we met in Burritts Rapids, ON.    She and John were so friendly and offered for us to raft up with them as the docks were full.   Yesterday she sent me several pics of their business in Montreal at the transportation building where they have a fresh fruit/vegetable/flower market - it is huge and very nice in a neat setting!  

I ran some errands in the afternoon and we took it easy in Catrina's AC.   Later Mark made a trip to WalMart.

Our neighbor, Donna (one of my boat sisters) stopped by - she's here for a few days while Bob went back home (he'll be back this weekend).    We had so much to catch up on from our vacations, etc.    We yakked for a bit with Mark and then we took off (Mark and I) to walk downtown to have pizza and drinks at The Bait House.   Great flatbread!    Our manager Dave was there and also met a nice couple from Toledo who were celebrating their 43rd wedding anniversary.    Back home.   I went to Donna's boat and we visited for another 2 1/2 hours.   She is so much fun!

Donna found these pins online so decided we boat sisters (Donna, Teri, Chris and myself) should have cute and thoughtful.

The Boat Sisters


Wednesday - August 7

 Bright sunshine early and then the clouds rolled in but very windy all day.   Mark went to Wal Mart for some piddlies and a new TV for Catrina.   He wanted a "smart" TV with Roku.   

I caught up on some e-mails and other computer things -  we were in some pretty remote areas on our trip at times but Mark never failed to keep me "connected" with family/friends and able to update the blog daily!    So blessed to have my techie guy!!!

So, with all this crazy weather, my hand has been really acting up AND, add 1 more finger to the mess.   All along it's been my thumb, index and middle fingers (affected from the median nerve), but now out of the blue, the past week or so, my ring finger is having the same sensations!!!   Just don't get all this nerve stuff; but I'll be seeing Dr. Collins in October when we're back in FL.

When we were in Cobourg, we were talking with our friend Larry from Cypress Trail about my hand/shoulder, he suggested I get a copper bracelet which he wears for his hand issues.   I had no idea that copper can be a healing factor and Larry swears by how much his bracelet has helped him.    I ordered one from Amazon (sooo many choices with healing for men or women).  Larry said to give it at least 2 weeks till I would notice any difference.   I'm hopeful!

My new copper bracelet with a bit of bling!

Mark installed the new TV in the afternoon and I got a haircut with Wendy at Salon 53.    She's a chatty one and we had lots to catch up since May 24th.

We went to The Orchard for dinner - wow......this place was small, but we knew they were adding on to about 3x the original size and it is absolutely beautiful - big dining room, huge bar, lots of patio seating with waterfalls, entertainment, flowers, etc.   Unfortunately, with the strong wind tonight, very few were outside dining.   It's a very nice place,   We shared a wedge salad, Mark had a pork chop (really thick like at Patti's Settlement in Grand Rivers, KY) and I had perch!

Pretty waterfall
Big patch of sunflowers
Bee hives in the back

Tuesday - August 6

 Very cloudy and dreary start to Tuesday with plenty of rain in the forecast!   Kept busy getting things back in order on Catrina and Mark diligently cleaned all the fenders and lines - pretty nasty after 95 locks!   ðŸ˜©

So much sad news today hearing about 3 deaths of folks we've known a long time in Bloomington + the tragedy of my cousin's 21-year old nephew (my 2nd cousin, once removed) who died from heat exhaustion while hiking in CA.    Peace and comfort to their families.   My prayer list is so long.....

We have so much to be thankful travels and return home and Mark's back, my shoulder and hand came thru it all!

Today would've been my Aunt Dee's 96th birthday (she died on April 2nd).    I'm thinking she's partying with Uncle Jack, her daughter Karen and other family/friends enjoying a bottle of Stella Artois. 

Started raining at noon but once again, the heavier stuff went all around us, so didn't last long.    But then around 3, the wind picked up and it got so dark.   We didn't think we should stay on Catrina so we walked to the office (no power, so in the dark we visited with Dave, Bob and Brad who there waiting for things to things settle down.   Strange weather - we even lost power for a few hours.    Areas around us got hit but we were lucky once again.   Very little rain and winds eventually died down, temperature dropped and the sun came out!

Brad pointed out that the wind did a 360 today - all 4 directions were covered at some point!

Ryan has been in Paris the past few days, but no Olympics!

Mark sure knew about the unpredictability of Lake Erie when he was continually checking the forecast before our crossing   So thankful we crossed when we did as the wave heights have been crazy since we returned to Port Clinton and no let up for several days......all the way to 9-10'.     Lake Erie is UGLY right now....NO thank you!!!

We had planned to go out for dinner tonight with Bob, but with the crazy weather, decided to stay put.   I fixed spaghetti, salad and garlic toast + wine!

We walked downtown to mail some cards and had planned to walk further, but then the drizzle started!


Monday - August 5

 Cloudy most of the day till around 2 and then sunny and very warm.    We left with 5 loads of laundry at 8:20 and 1st stop was R Coffee Corner for coffees, cinnamon scone for me, egg, sausage, cheese on an everything bagel for Mark.    Took our goodies and headed up the street to the laundromat (our favorite) and set to work.   Busy Monday morning (when I was growing up Mondays were "wash day"! )  😊 Mark enjoyed his breakfast and then left to pick up a few groceries at Bassett's and some boat things at West Marine.    Back in time for "sock-folding" duty 😄 and help with the sheets!

Stopped at Bergman Orchards for peaches and a tomato, ice at the gas station and on home.  

Unloaded groceries and clean  laundry.   Getting weather alerts on our phones....been getting regular updates from Cypress Trail and what Debby is doing down there + watching the weather channel.   Gosh....some areas (Georgia and South Carolina) could get up to 30" of rain!   My brother Ron and Vicki got 8" in Lakeland with more coming.

Radar showed rain above and below us, but Port Clinton escaped it this afternoon.  

I made a batch of spaghetti with meat sauce and some BBQ.   

Our neighbor Bob stopped by - he had just arrived for 3 days and will be doing stuff on the boat.   Donna will come this weekend!

We went to Casa Las Palmas for some good Mexican fare tonight - got there before 5:30 and it was packed.....always sooo good + excellent margaritas!