Sunday - August 18

 Cloudy morning with some rain around 6 and then sunny in the afternoon.    We said good bye to Donna and Bob who were headed home to their farm till next weekend.

We walked downtown to The Yellow House Bakery (raspberry cheese turnover for Mark and peach muffin for me) - this place is good (not as big a selection as Coffee Express) but only open on the weekends.

Stopped at Coffee Express for our coffees and on home - had planned on a longer walk, but skies were getting dark - nothing developed!

We went to the storage building and got stuff on Flo stowed away and ready for traveling.    We're taking her to Jackson Center (about 2 hours south of Port Clinton) Tuesday for her yearly check-up and a few things to fix at the Airstream factory.

Did another measurement on reaching higher with my right shoulder - maybe 1/2" ?

BLT's for supper - oh my....sooo yummy!    Short walk after supper - it's windy and strong winds to continue all night thru tomorrow.

Zoom tonight was missing Tom, Janet and Sharon.    Discussed holiday travel plans for our niece's wedding in October, Thanksgiving and Christmas and the high cost of air travel!   Last night was Joe and Joan's 50th anniversary party which was a big success.    Doris talked about her sister-in-law, Geri's passing last night from Alzheimer's (her late husband Rich's sister).   Also Doris talked about her family vacation at Myrtle Beach - fun time despite hurricane Debby then becoming a tropical storm - VERY humid.

Have a great week ahead!

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