Tuesday - August 6

 Very cloudy and dreary start to Tuesday with plenty of rain in the forecast!   Kept busy getting things back in order on Catrina and Mark diligently cleaned all the fenders and lines - pretty nasty after 95 locks!   😩

So much sad news today hearing about 3 deaths of folks we've known a long time in Bloomington + the tragedy of my cousin's 21-year old nephew (my 2nd cousin, once removed) who died from heat exhaustion while hiking in CA.    Peace and comfort to their families.   My prayer list is so long.....

We have so much to be thankful for...safe travels and return home and Mark's back, my shoulder and hand came thru it all!

Today would've been my Aunt Dee's 96th birthday (she died on April 2nd).    I'm thinking she's partying with Uncle Jack, her daughter Karen and other family/friends enjoying a bottle of Stella Artois. 

Started raining at noon but once again, the heavier stuff went all around us, so didn't last long.    But then around 3, the wind picked up and it got so dark.   We didn't think we should stay on Catrina so we walked to the office (no power, so in the dark we visited with Dave, Bob and Brad who there waiting for things to things settle down.   Strange weather - we even lost power for a few hours.    Areas around us got hit but we were lucky once again.   Very little rain and winds eventually died down, temperature dropped and the sun came out!

Brad pointed out that the wind did a 360 today - all 4 directions were covered at some point!

Ryan has been in Paris the past few days, but no Olympics!

Mark sure knew about the unpredictability of Lake Erie when he was continually checking the forecast before our crossing   So thankful we crossed when we did as the wave heights have been crazy since we returned to Port Clinton and no let up for several days......all the way to 9-10'.     Lake Erie is UGLY right now....NO thank you!!!

We had planned to go out for dinner tonight with Bob, but with the crazy weather, decided to stay put.   I fixed spaghetti, salad and garlic toast + wine!

We walked downtown to mail some cards and had planned to walk further, but then the drizzle started!


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