Friday - August 9

 The strong winds are back!      Mark finished up some projects, but a man's work is never done on a boat!   Ha!   Always something to do and guys like to putter around!  And another trip to the hardware store.

We picked up Donna and off to Bistro 163, the "Pay it Forward" community-run restaurant that is so good.   Donna had never been and she was quite impressed.   The lady volunteers are all so nice!

Mark and Donna dropped me off downtown and I got a mani/pedi with Danielle.   They went back to their boats.   I walked home and waited for Mark who was out and about visiting with Michael who is here with Chris and some family members for the weekend - comparing notes about our trips.

Beautiful evening...we went for a short walk -still pretty breezy out.

Have a nice weekend!

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