Thursday - August 1

 WE DID IT!!!!    The Erie Canal locks are finished along with the last and final one on the Niagara River by Buffalo - Black Rock Lock (just 4' but soooo slow)!    As Mark said, if all the locks were this slow going up, we'd still be in Ottawa!    HA!!!   When we came into that lock, we had to call and upbound only works on the 1/2 hour, so we had to wait 20 minutes and it was sooo hot!    But we are done with locks after doing 95 this summer!

Mark walked up the street to The Coffee Pot for my fix and we left Medina just in time for the opening of the 8:00 bridge (1st of 4 lift bridges) and it was just a short jaunt.    We cruised (again that 8 mph speed limit almost all day) for 48.3 miles and a total of 3 locks (final 2 at Lockport and then Black Rock Lock) and many others we could pass under.     We were with a tour boat in the 2 locks in Lockport with 24 passengers.   Those locks were 25' each.

This beautiful mural was under the lift bridge in Medina - so interesting to look at and 
very well done.   Maybe you can zoom in and see all the unique items pertinent to

Between Middleport and Gasport, there was lots of construction on the trail - crazy to see all that huge equipment on the narrow path and about 3 miles of the trail closed and will be for a long while.   Mark talked to one of the bridge tenders asking about it....they started a year ago and the purpose is to fix some seepage that occurred on the trail + haul in dirt, retrench and repave.    What a massive job!   

Just a few of many pieces of huge machinery brought in to fix the trail
Some of the corn has tasseled out but then again, many fields have not
Another pretty lift bridge reflection in Middleport

We arrived at the entrance to the Erie Basin Marina in Buffalo at 2:15, stopped for diesel and then tied up behind a boat from Bronx, NY.   This is a large marina but they have few transient slips.

Mark and I were reminiscing today about 6 years ago when Liam, Connor and Brady came aboard Catrina here in Buffalo.    What a fun time that was....and now all 3 will soon be off to college.

Connor hanging on to the yellow rope at the Black Rock Lock just like Grandma did today
July 18, 2018

Fun times on Catrina 
Liam - Brady - Connor

Tomorrow we will be on Lake Erie - we have 232 miles to Port Clinton (home sweet home) so we'll see how it goes and hope 'n pray the lake is kind to us!  😆

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