Monday - August 26

 It's Monday and a very happening day here at Superior Marine with 3 boats (2 sail and one biggie power yacht - 58' Sea Ray) leaving - all by land!!!

Said good bye to Bob and Donna who are headed home till Friday.

2 big transport trucks came in around 8:30 and loaded up the 1st sailboat which is an oldie (hasn't been in the water for 15 years!!!).    The owner is taking it to Cleveland, having it restored and then going into a museum.

2nd sailboat is going to Chicago and new owner will be racing it.

And the big power boat is headed to Lake Cumberland in Kentucky.   Mark enjoyed watching from the sidelines (5 Superior employees +++ several others with the trucks (wide load trucks for in front of and back of the transports) - wow....have never seen this much excitement here

We are in for a very HOT week ahead...I moved more clothes to Flo - just 5' away - LOVE this easy transfer here at Superior!!!

Our friends and neighbors from Cypress Trail arrived at 1:30.   They are on an RV trip for several weeks and won't be back home (Destin, FL) till mid October.

Ann and Duaine
Our last Catrina ride for 2024

Sat in cool Catrina enjoying wine and chatter - Mark siphoned the oil out of engines (end-of-season job while the engines are still hot).   We showed them around the marina including the shrink wrapped big boat that is going to Lake Cumberland.    The guys have been working on this all day and not sure when they'll finish.    The drivers were hoping to get to Cincinnati tonight, but???   Duaine and Ann left in their RV for East Harbor State Park where they're staying tonight.   

We picked them up and had dinner at The Orchard Farmstand and then back to East Harbor for a glass of wine sitting outside their RV and finally (when the bugs arrived) we headed back to Catrina.    Such a fun day with thee dear friends.    Looking forward to seeing them when they come to Cypress Trail in December.

When we got back to the marina, the big boat is still here - guess they'll leave "early" in the morning???    We do know it's costing $25,000 to transport + whatever shrink wrap costs + the take down and securing the cockpit canopy which had to be taken down cause of Ohio highways and bridges!   It was 15' 11"...

BIG yacht shrink-wrapped and almost ready to roll....

Connor and his Danville Community College golf buddies had their 1st tournament today near Moline, IL.    11 schools participated with 81 golfers........................Connor placed 10th and his team came in 3rd.    Way to go, Connor!!!

1st day of middle school

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