Thursday - August 29

 Ahhh....I slept in after a great night on Flo.   Mark is always so considerate (he's ALWAYS up early)  being super quiet when he's up and about, making his coffee, etc.!    When you have 2 tiny homes, there's not a lot of space to be further apart!  

And more praise for my Captain (soon to be camper buddy), as he went to Coffee Express for muffins and coffees!    And then on with the day....

Very cloudy but no rain in the forecast today.   Ended up with a few sprinkles and the afternoon was bright, sunny and warm!

Another good day - Mark worked on Catrina jobs for end-of-season,,,,I went thru a bunch of over-the-counter meds, and checked expiration dates and got Flo's medical stuff organized.

We went to Wal Mart in the afternoon for a bunch of piddles and groceries.    Got all that stuff put away and ready to sit and chill!

Facetime with Luke and Maeve on their way to Maeve's open house at school.   Luke's was yesterday.  They will start classes on catching up!

Luke 'n Maeve - ready for a new school year
Maeve's open house

TAH 4:14, Mark got the text that his package (hearing aide_ was finally delivered to Justin's office in NC)!    We took off for the post office to get our $30.45 refund - the guy was so clue after it left Port Clinton what happened or where it's been all this time???   We'll have Justin send to Kamp Komfort as we're leaving next Wednesday - not taking any chances!😞😞😟

Enjoyed an early dinner at our favorite Mexican place here in PC - Cabo Las Palmas.....sooo yummy + leftovers.

When we got back to Superior Marine, what a nice surprise to see Donna had arrived (thought she was coming tomorrow)~!    Mark helped her carry stuff from car to boat.   She made an apple pie for us - what a dear!   Donna and Bob have 9 varieties of apple trees on their farm.

What a beauty!


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