Monday - August 12

 Beautiful day.....Mark took the car to auto repair shop to fix a small dent on back bumper from Fort Myers mishap.   Could take a week to fix.   He rode his bike back to the marina.   Nippy this morning but quickly warmed up.   I finished tidying up Catrina and ready for Sharon's arrival.     It was a beautiful day!

Later we went to Magruder Hospital so I could see exactly where I'm to go for pre-testing tomorrow (kidney stone pulverized on 8/22).   Then we got Big Red washed and on home for lunch. 

Sharon arrived at good to see her and appreciate the 5+ hour drive she did.    We visited on Catrina's bridge and later walked to The Docks for dinner by the water.   More catching up!

Walked back to Catrina and continued the much to yak about.

The siblings
Sharon and Mark

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