Friday - August 30

 I washed Big Red and Ruby - a little challenging with a bum hand and shoulder but Mark helped in the higher spots, especially with Big Red...

Then we tackled the bridge cushions....what a job as the foam and vinyl outside covering get nasty by the end of the season....lots of spraying with mold and mildew cleaner, soaking, rubbing with a brush and rinsing.    Icky poo job!    HOT today - 90

Today starts the 19th annual Perch, Peach, Pierogi and Polka event sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.   

We waked downtown (a HOT walk)  and shared the perch dinner (3 big pieces of perch, fries and slaw) - all delicious.   Sat in the shade on Madison Street listening to the Water Street band.

On home and saw Dennis and Teri - so good to see them as we;ve only been with one time before we left on our big trip and then they've been traveling,   

Bob came up tonight and we hung out on their (he and Donna's) boat along with Dennis and Teri - great to be together with many laughs and stories of our trips this summer.

Maeve and Luke are winding down their summer fun!

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