Thursday - August 22

 An early start to our day - up at 5:10 and off to Magruder Hospital by 6 for my lithotripsy procedure (pulverizing, blasting, crushing) my 2 kidney stones (thought I only had 1, but x-ray showed 2).  When all is said and done, those little suckers end up like fine sand. 

The staff were all wonderful....nurses (Sisl, Margie, Kahle, Kelly), x-ray tech, Sherry and Dr. Yontz (anesthesiologist), Dr. Buck (urologist) and Derek, who actually does the zapping with the machine.    Derek was doing 2 procedures in Port Clinton today and 2 more in Bowling Green (45 miles apart).    He told me the other patient today was a Patricia....what are the odds?

The procedure took 35 minutes and we were at the hospital a total of 4 hours.    My caregiver is once again doing what he does best....making sure I drink plenty of water and walk every hour (at least 5 minutes or more) to prevent blood clots.   

We had delicious chicken salad from Costco for lunch.   Mark went to WalMart for a Rx and a few groceries and I took a nap.  It is another gorgeous day and feels so good to be outdoors.

 I was told to "take it easy today" with no cooking, cleaning, anything strenuous, no driving, etc.  and  I always abide by the rules 😃.   Mark went to Frisch's for some delicious tenderloins for our supper!

One more walk in the evening and visited with Chris - her friends went home this morning and her Michael is coming up tomorrow.

Nighty night!

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