Sunday - August 25

 We went to 10:30 Mass at Immaculate Conception with Father Mark Herzog filling in for Father Jonathan who is cruising in the Mediterranean.

Back home for lunch and then a 1-hour boat trip on "So Blessed" with Bob and, fun cruising in the AC on their big Viking!  Lots of boaters out and about this hot summer day but Lake Erie was pretty calm!

Back to the marina and Mark and I (mainly Mark) got Catrina washed (friends coming tomorrow from CT) and I moved more clothes to Flo.   Mark was up early and got more lockers cleaned out on Flo....looks great!

Had  good chat with Michael hearing all their weekend in South Bend moving Brady into Notre Dame!    

Picked up Bob and Donna and off to The Crow's Nest for dinner - this is a popular place in Marblehead and we a enjoyed another very good meal!

Bob and Donna

Zoom tonight...10 siblings just missing Tom.    Today is Jim and Lydia's anniversary, we discussed health issues, updates on kids/grandkids, my kidney stone procedure, traveling by air versus car, new school year, etc.

Enjoy the week ahead!


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