Wednesday - August 28

 Rained early morning but then cleared and only 82 today!   Mark went to WalMart for oil for the generator.   I did my thing cleaning out the fridge and more moving more stuff.

Anther fiasco with the USPS......on Saturday, we went to the Port Clinton post office to mail Mark's hearing aide to his audiologist in NC (our nephew, Justin).   It needed a new receiver.   Justin would take care of it and ship back to us here in PC or wherever we told him as we didn't know how long it would take.  We paid $30 to have overnight shipping - guaranteed delivery by Monday.    Well, here it's Wednesday and the package is nowhere to be found.   PC says it left and been in Toledo.   But Toledo post office says it left there.   Mark has been going in or calling 2x a day....this morning, they said it's not considered lost for at least 30 days!!!   WHAT?????    That's we wait.   All this technology of a tracking #, etc., isn't worth diddly squat!   

Went to A la Cart for lunch - love this place for breakfast, but lunch was very good, too.   Mark had a veal parmesan sandwich and I had a patty melt.   Drove around a bit and then on home.   Couldn't believe the fall color in one area we drove thru.

Trees are starting to turn!

We both took a nap and rested a bit and then........back at it, but overall, a very productive day!!!

Our nightly walk around the marina and called it a day!   Spending tonight on Flo.

Brady at Notre Dame

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