Wednesday - August 7

 Bright sunshine early and then the clouds rolled in but very windy all day.   Mark went to Wal Mart for some piddlies and a new TV for Catrina.   He wanted a "smart" TV with Roku.   

I caught up on some e-mails and other computer things -  we were in some pretty remote areas on our trip at times but Mark never failed to keep me "connected" with family/friends and able to update the blog daily!    So blessed to have my techie guy!!!

So, with all this crazy weather, my hand has been really acting up AND, add 1 more finger to the mess.   All along it's been my thumb, index and middle fingers (affected from the median nerve), but now out of the blue, the past week or so, my ring finger is having the same sensations!!!   Just don't get all this nerve stuff; but I'll be seeing Dr. Collins in October when we're back in FL.

When we were in Cobourg, we were talking with our friend Larry from Cypress Trail about my hand/shoulder, he suggested I get a copper bracelet which he wears for his hand issues.   I had no idea that copper can be a healing factor and Larry swears by how much his bracelet has helped him.    I ordered one from Amazon (sooo many choices with healing for men or women).  Larry said to give it at least 2 weeks till I would notice any difference.   I'm hopeful!

My new copper bracelet with a bit of bling!

Mark installed the new TV in the afternoon and I got a haircut with Wendy at Salon 53.    She's a chatty one and we had lots to catch up since May 24th.

We went to The Orchard for dinner - wow......this place was small, but we knew they were adding on to about 3x the original size and it is absolutely beautiful - big dining room, huge bar, lots of patio seating with waterfalls, entertainment, flowers, etc.   Unfortunately, with the strong wind tonight, very few were outside dining.   It's a very nice place,   We shared a wedge salad, Mark had a pork chop (really thick like at Patti's Settlement in Grand Rivers, KY) and I had perch!

Pretty waterfall
Big patch of sunflowers
Bee hives in the back

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