Thursday - August 15

I walked downtown on this sunny Thursday for my 9:00 appt. with Dr. Kast (dentist).   In early May I broke off part of my tooth but hasn't bothered me.    I made an appt. in June for today and then follow-up on 9/3 if I needed a crown.   He always has me laughing and  has a ceramic pot in the room that says "Ashes of Problem Patients"!!!    This is my 2nd visit (back in '22 he took care of a problem tooth) so we caught up on our boating travels and our mutual love of Niagara-on-the-Lake.   He and his wife go there frequently for their  "fix" of this beautiful place.   She told him if he ever disappears, she'll know where to find him 😄

Dr. Kast's daughter Courtney joined him in practice 7 years ago and he's been at it since 1985.   What a delightful man and even more so when he told me I didn't need a crown - he would take out the old filling and put in a new one!   Yippee!!!!!   One hour and several laughs later, I was on my way.

Stopped at Coffee Express for a latte and on home,    While I was gone, Mark got his lockers/cabinets in our spare bedroom all spiffy and organized.   Quiet afternoon with good books, games on our I-pads, naps, etc.     

 Went for a walk after supper and had a few sprinkles.   Rain is in our forecast for possibly the next 4 days!    We sure need it.

Our neighbors at Cypress Trail (Buddy and JoAnn) are currently vacationing in the Maritime Provinces.    They've been staying at some of the same RV parks we stayed at in August, 2012.   Been reliving our trip from the blog and enjoying their experiences!

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