Friday - August 2

 We had heavy rain, thunder and lightning at 5:30 AM but then just some off and on drizzle later.   We left the dock and Buffalo at 6:45 and by 7ish, we were on Lake Erie.

Since it was so calm when we left, we hoped the lake would be the same, but not good ole Lake Erie which is never what is predicted.    We had some rollers and pounding (I HATE pounding) but a few hours later, it calmed down a bit AND and at 11, the sun came out.

Cruising thru NY, PA and OH we arrived in Geneva at 2:35 (130.5 miles).    Got some diesel at the Geneva State Park Marina and settled along the long dock wall.    It's Friday night so they will be busy and we got one of the last spots - glad Mark called ahead!    Had thought we would go further to Chagrin Falls but they are full.

Sun went away for several hours but back in full force at 6ish but very humid out and more rain predicted for tomorrow.   

Geneva-on-the-Lake is right near our marina so we took off to get some steps and ice cream.   Along the way at the Geneva-on-the-Lake Resort (beautiful place), we saw all this set up for a wedding.  

Black-eyed Susans
Pretty setting for a wedding overlooking the lake

Enjoy your weekend!

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