Saturday - August 10

 Much cooler today with clouds and sun - still breezy.    I slept in - wow!   Felt good!    After breakfast we walked downtown to mail some cards.   I was going to get a coffee but Coffee Express had a long line and then many others waiting for their order, fix today.   We walked on and enjoyed this pretty day - everything seems so fresh and almost fall-like.

Back home for lunch and a leisurely afternoon.   Lots of people heading to the ferry and off to Put in Bay for the day or weekend including a bride-to-be with her friends!  

 Been looking into airline tickets for upcoming trips - whoaaa...prices are really high!   

Liam started moving some things into his house for sophomore year at Iowa.   Classes start the 26th.

The boat "Serenity" came in this afternoon.    Tim and wife from Cincinnati will store "Serenity" here at Superior for the winter.   They recently bought the boat in Holland, MI. Mark offered him a ride to pick up his truck and trailer at the boat ramp.

When we were downtown earlier today we walked past the big ship containers (4) that were brought in, painted a soft green and set up as a bar, entertainment, big-screen TV and restrooms.   Across the way is a food truck "Ringside" claiming to have thee best burger downtown.    So....we kept that thought and walked back downtown late afternoon and shared a burger - it was excellent and huge!   Had drinks and sat by a firepit - crazy in August to feel cozy sitting by the fire, but with the strong wind and sun behind all the clouds, felt really good.

Back  home, walked over to say hi to Michael and Chris and their kiddos, stopped in to see Donna and back to Catrina

Around 8:00, the wind finally calmed down!

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