Thursday - August 8

 Our mornings start out bright 'n sunny, but soon the clouds roll in - much less wind today....Mark went to Coffee Express for my skinny vanilla latte - more attaboy points!

Connor is all moved in and ready to start college life along with the golf competitions that will start soon.

We set to work with more odd jobs - Mark got the new TV installed yesterday and today, worked on speakers (I love my music) - so he's been taking things out and putting in new or old things and I'm able to clean in the nooks and crannies that were hard to get to!  😃

I got some stuff organized on Flo....can't believe in 3 weeks we'll be transferring our stuff from one home to the other.

I've been in touch with Loli who we met in Burritts Rapids, ON.    She and John were so friendly and offered for us to raft up with them as the docks were full.   Yesterday she sent me several pics of their business in Montreal at the transportation building where they have a fresh fruit/vegetable/flower market - it is huge and very nice in a neat setting!  

I ran some errands in the afternoon and we took it easy in Catrina's AC.   Later Mark made a trip to WalMart.

Our neighbor, Donna (one of my boat sisters) stopped by - she's here for a few days while Bob went back home (he'll be back this weekend).    We had so much to catch up on from our vacations, etc.    We yakked for a bit with Mark and then we took off (Mark and I) to walk downtown to have pizza and drinks at The Bait House.   Great flatbread!    Our manager Dave was there and also met a nice couple from Toledo who were celebrating their 43rd wedding anniversary.    Back home.   I went to Donna's boat and we visited for another 2 1/2 hours.   She is so much fun!

Donna found these pins online so decided we boat sisters (Donna, Teri, Chris and myself) should have cute and thoughtful.

The Boat Sisters


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