Saturday - August 24

 Today is the 56th anniversary of our engagement - 8/24/68. time flies!!!

Best "YES" ever!!!

We walked downtown to A la Cart for delicious breakfast - a very happening place.   Back home and started doing our thing with 2 homes....Mark worked in the back of the truck organizing and I sorted thru clothes and got some things transferred to Flo's closet.  

Mark washed Flo in the afternoon - I can't reach very high with brush but helped a little with hose,

We had dinner at 1812 with Bob, Donna, Michael and Chris - what a fun time sitting on the patio on this beautiful evening - great food and conversation with lots of laughs.

Back to the boat and saw our neighbors Justin and Aliza from Cincinnati - they were going to dinner at 1812 and celebrate Justin's Dad's (from Ocala, FL) 80th birthday!

Wine on "So Blessed" with these great boat sisters (missing Teri and Dennis who are in FL) and hubbies and more chatter.

Michael, Chris, Pat, Mark, Donna, Bob

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