Tuesday - August 27

 Very hot, very sunny, very breezy today!   We were off at 7:30 with our laundry.   But first stopped at R Coffee Corner for breakfast.  After getting the washers going, Mark went to Bassett's for a few groceries.    On home.  He did more engine stuff  + changed oil in the generator and I moved more pantry stuff + clothes back to Flo and put away the clean laundry

This afternoon, we decided ice cream was in order on this hot day, so went to Scooter's - Mark got a chocolate milkshake and I had a hot fudge sundae.   Even with the air on, the car registered 100.    All the states where our family is - IL, NC, IN, IA and we in OH were in the mid-upper 90's.  😮

BLT's and potato salad for supper.   At 6:45 we got the alert on our phones about a severe thunderstorm warning for Ottawa County (that's us) for the next 5 hours, 17 minutes!   

Our homes and vehicles all together....

We had some strong winds, thunder. lightning and rain, but so far, nothing too wild!

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