Saturday - August 17

 Congratulations to Joe and Joan (Mark's sister) celebrating their 50th anniversary today!

Happy 50th

Happy Saturday!   I made sausage/eggs/toast and fresh peaches for breakfast.   Mark set to work doing some camera stuff for the engine rooms (making things more efficient)!

I watched the livestreaming of my cousin, Aidan's memorial service in Cincinnati.    Aidan died on August 5th from heat exhaustion/dehydration while hiking in southern CA     So many photos and wonderful eulogies - very heartbroken for his family.   He was pursuing a mechanical engineering degree at the U of Alabama with one semester left and then on to get his masters in aerospace engineering,    He was doing an internship at Argo Space in LA this summer and died doing what he loved best.....hiking.   A very emotional teary-eyed service.

Blair facetimed this morning and showed off her new backpack and all the accessories for starting middle school on the 26th.    She's excited and how well I remember (sooo many years ago) the thrill of starting a new school year with new clothes and school supplies!

Sweet Blair
How can she be going into 6th grade???

We picked Bob and Donna up at 3:30 and we were off to Marblehead and 4:00 Mass at St. Joseph's.   Really like this church and their pastor, Father Joe. (very Polish).

St. Joseph's - Marblehead

Then onto Cleats for dinner - we've been here once before and it was good as ever....just a bit of a jaunt from our marina but close to church,    Back to the boats and went onboard "So Blessed" for 3 rousing games of euchre all won by Bob and I beating Donna and Mark!!!    Fun evening with lots of laughs!

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