Friday - July 19

 HA P P Y   B I R T H D A Y   B L A I R

Our birthday girl

Eleven years ago today we welcomed our first granddaughter and what a joy she's been.    Blair loves to perform - dance, theater, gymnastics, cheerleading and is a straight A student.   She's sweet and always respectful of her elders and talks beyond her years!    This fall she'll be going into middle school....look out folks....she'll keep you hopping!   😄

Another good day on the water although it started out slow....we left the dock in Ottawa at 7:45 to make the Pretoria Avenue bridge opening.    All the books and charts said what times during the day it would be closed, but nothing about it not open till 9.   So, we waited (along with 6 other boats) for an hour.    Arghhh    These bridge workers work the same hours as the canal is in operation which starts at 9 AM (although that can be anywhere from 9:10-9:20).

We went thru 7 locks ending with Long Island and traveled with 3 other couples/families/dog all from Canada.     Only 4 of us could fit into the locks so the 3 other boats had to wait.    

We arrived at Hurst Marina in Manotick.    They have great dockhands to help - we got diesel and water.   But what a nice surprise to see John and La Loli walk from their boat to say "hi".    They are spending a 2nd night here at Hurst and then moving on tomorrow towards Ottawa.

This is our 1st time to be in a marina slip since last Friday in Kingston.    This place has a laundry, showers, pool, hot tub and restaurant.    AWESOME!!!

A lot of the cruising on the canal is limited to 'no wake" buoys or 10 km (6.2 mph).   so much slow going.   Tomorrow we'll be able to go quite a distance at our top speed of 18 mph.

We were with several folks today who spoke French - in some cases they could also speak English (impressive) but also those who knew no English like we know no French.    But we all eventually figured it out!

We did 2 loads of laundry and had a wonderful dinner at The Swan on the Rideau - Mark had the braised beef and I had pulled pork mac 'n cheese.   Plenty of leftovers.    It was a very busy place and so glad that John and La Loli told us to go early!

Did facetime with the birthday girl!    She's having a fun day!

We walked over to say good bye to John and La Loli......we had a glass of wine and more chatter.    It was so fun to be with them and sad to say good bye to ur new French friends!

John, La Loli, Mark

Loli took this picture yesterday morning as we were leaving from our raft-up...
Catrina leaving Burritts Rapids

After a hot Wednesday and a cool Thursday, today was just perfect in the upper 70's

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