Thursday - July 11

 Rain and more rain finally ending around 10ish.    We had breakfast and just stayed put till 10:30 when we left for Clayton (sure enjoying Paul's rental car).   Walked around and then enjoyed lunch at Di Prinzio's - great salads and wood-fired pizza.    Kathy and I shopped and enjoyed some retail therapy while the guys walked around town, checked out he marina, etc.   And once again, we had more drizzle.  We stopped at Bella's for pastries for tomorrow and then The Lyric Coffee for iced drinks and carrot cake for Paul and Kathy.

Back to Catrina and some of us took naps.   We all took off on foot to check out a large home under construction an then downtown to Riley's on the River for drinks, appetizers and dessert with more drizzle along the way.   All delicious and lots of reminiscing about boating friends and memories from years ago.   We've been friends thru boating since 1987.  So many laughs.

Excellent desserts
Riley's on the River
Catrina at Carnegie Bay

We played 2 games of SkyJo with Kathy winning both!  Nighty night!

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