Sunday - July 28

Beautiful summery day with a high of 90.    Most heat we've had in a while!    We walked to St. Michael's for 8:15 Mass with Father Felicjan Sierotowicz (a little hard to understand and we think he's Polish)?

St. Michael's in Newark, NY

Back to Catrina to prepare for our guests - just 2 blocks from St. Michael's is the "Grind-on Coffee Co" which looked really neat in an old house but they are closed Sundays.  😒

At 10:20, Mark's cousin John from Rochester came with his son, Brian, wife Emma and their 3 rambunctious boys (Lucas, 10; Evan 7 and Isaac 5).    We were last together in June of 2021 and my how they've grown and such little livewires!    We had a 1 hour cruise from Newark to Palmyra and so fun to catch up and answer the boys 1000 questions!   😂    We were all up on the bridge, but the boys wanted to go down to the basement (Catrina's main salon)!  😀  A car was waiting for them here in Palmyra and they drove back to Newark to get their car and on home.    John and Cindy (she was not feeling well today) live in Rochester; Brian and family in Fairport (next town on the canal).    We'll see them again tomorrow evening in Fairport - Lucas has baseball camp and Evan, soccer camp this week, so happy they could join us today.   

John, Brian, Emma
Me with the Munchkins
Evan, Isaac and Lucas

After they left, we walked uptown and decided on "The Hog and Hen" for brunch.   This place has been open only 3 weeks but got some great reviews - they are for dinner only + Sunday brunch.    We each had the burrito (so much good stuff tucked inside and crispy on the outside + a wonderful salad!)    Leftovers for tomorrow, too!   

Excellent burrito and salad

Had a nice chat with the chef.   He and his wife bought the building in December and did a nice job renovating but preserving the brick walls, wood flooring, etc.   It's warm 'n cozy.   The chef comes from Seneca Falls but has been a chef in Vermont, at a winery somewhere in NY and also Annapolis.    He's glad to be closer to home and raise their family as they love the small town of Palmyra (pop - 7,403). 

Palmyra has the distinction of being the only town in the world that has a church on all 4 corners - Zion Episcopal, Western Presbyterian, Methodist and Canal Town Community Church (very interesting to read about these churches on Google).

Another interesting tidbit about Palmyra is that Joseph Smith founded the Church of Jesus-Christ of the Latter-day Saints here back on April 6, 1830.   We saw their huge church coming into Ottawa 11 days ago.

4 churches at the intersection of Main Street and Canandaigua Street
Palmyra, NY

So we kept meandering down the street and came upon St. Anne Catholic Church - what are the odds?    Attended St. Michael's in Newark and here we have St. Anne in Palmyra!

St. Anne - Palmyra, NY

We walked back along the tow path where the donkeys used to pull barges hauling lumber and grain many years ago.    Today, it's a very popular biking/walking path that cousin John uses frequently as he's an avid bicyclist on the Erie Canalway Trail which runs from Albany to Buffalo.   

Back to Catrina to cool off - pretty hot out there.   Mark took a little nap - I read and then he took his bike and found a liquor store to stock up on some wine - backpack came in handy!

Shared my leftover taco salad from last night and then off to the Chill and Grill for ice cream....not a DQ, but locally owned and we ate here in 2018....geez...that's 6 years ago!   It was good as ever!

Visited with our neighbor (only other boat here in Palmyra tonight) from Fort Collins, CO.   

Zoom tonight with 8 siblings.    

Next to Catrina here in Palmyra


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