Monday - July 29

 We left Palmyra at 7:50 - just 2 locks (Palmyra and Macedon) today.    And a short jaunt of    11.2 miles to Fairport (pop, 5000+)  We've always enjoyed our previous visits here and after settling along the wall, we set off for "our" coffee shop in Fairport which has a new name...Clementine's.    Enjoyed our iced coffees this very warm day.    I walked around town a bit and Mark cleaned the fenders - they get really nasty from the locks and he wanted to get as much crud off as possible.    Still have 4 locks to go till we are done!!!!

Pretty reflection on the water today with the bridge just before Macedon lock

Mark rode his bike to CVS for a few things.   He settled up with the dockmaster - normally there is no charge along the docks in the small towns for overnight, but Fairport is up to $23 (when we were here in 2018, we paid $14 and then $17 in 2021).    They do appreciate a donation, though.

Catrina in Fairport
More pretty flowers

Pretty patriotic bridge right behind Catrina

John is a retired family practice physician.    He came over to see us this afternoon and we had a great visit catching up on our families, health issues, etc.    He did several exercises with me for my hand - overall, the prognosis is that nerves take a long time to heal!!!   He used so many big words that my head was spinning!   

John and Mark went over our route we've taken since leaving Port Clinton 7 weeks ago tomorrow.    John brought us some cheese/salami/crackers and fresh blueberries!

John, Mark and I went to dinner at Donnelley's Public House (ate here a few years ago and very good)   .   Unfortunately, Cindy was still not feeling well.  

We walked to Lift Bridge Ice Cream and met Brian and boys.    Perry ice cream is sooo good with umpteen flavors.    Then across the water to Catrina where the boys explored every nook and crannie, checked the "basement", etc., etc., etc.    Enjoyed their visit and plan to do ice cream again tomorrow night in Pittsford, our next stop.   

Lucas, Evan, Brian, Isaac
The cousins
One of many rental canal boats
Captain Mark and his crew

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