Tuesday - July 16

 A big day for these boating nomads!    Mark attempted to pull up the anchor from our anchorage at Morton Bay - it was jammed packed with weeds and took 20 minutes to be free!   WOW...Mark worked away with the boat hook trying to get rid of the weeds and mud.   We had a wash-down hose, so a quick cleanup and we were on our way by 7:40.   

Big weedy mess
Happiness is a clean anchor

 Tied up at the 1st of 4 locks at Jones Falls.   The young man came to talk to us and at 9:06, the gates were open and in we went.   

This guy was hanging around while we were waiting for the lock to oen.   Looks like an Ibis, but they are white in Florida, so???

 Our day continued as we frequently checked the weather - radar was not looking good along with notice on our phones about severe storms coming with 75 mph winds and 2" size hail.    Luckily we went thru our 7th lock and were able to tie up outside Upper Narrows at 12:50 and wait it out.   20 minutes later, the rain came, but nothing real heavy - just nice and steady for about 2 hours.   We had lunch, read and took a nap!

These college-age guys and gals along the Rideau have been very friendly and helpful.   We noticed yesterday and it has continued at each lock that the Canadian locks do not have railings along the lock to prevent the many onlookers from falling in - kind of scary.....the Erie Canal has railings all along the locks on both sides.    And the people are able to walk across the closed lock gates - not in the US.

At 3, we took off again but about 5 miles later, the rain started again although radar showed nothing?   Strange!   We had on our rain gear and it was just a nice steady drizzle.   We got to Poonamalie and the rain stopped.   This was a very pretty area with flowers and all kept neat and tidy.    Also enjoyed passing thru the "Davis" lock which is also considered to be one the prettiest on the Rideau.

The sail said "The lake house"
Chaffey's Lock
Meandering around so many twists and turns - looked like lowcountry in Charleston

We arrived in Smiths Falls at 5:10 - they have a wall to tie up with power (hydro), but those spots were taken.    We did find another spot, but no power tonight (3rd straight night, but no biggie.)   We have the generator to run for a bit and charge all our batteries and sleeping has not been an issue.    Glad to be off the boat - haven't done any walking since Sunday when we were with Paul and Kathy.   Mark went to the office for this lock 29A and then we walked downtown.   Not much there although this is a town of 9,000+.   Most of the happenings are further out.    But we found the Lockmaster's Taphouse and it was very good - a really neat OLD building along the falls...pretty view and good food!

More pretty flowers in downtown Smiths Falls
Good place to eat
Had a good laugh at this sign inside restaurant  
View of the water (falls) from our table 
The falls

 Back to Catrina, turned on the generator and  called it a day!    Total locks were 9 today and we are now going down for the rest of the way to Ottawa (our preference).   

Smiths Falls is the largest town on the Rideau.....no coffee shop (at least nothing walkable)!   😒

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