Friday - July 5

 Warm sunny day....we walked to The Grind and Vine for coffees and shared a delish blueberry Danish.   Then to Dollar Tree and Metro for a few groceries and on home.   Didn't take us long to be on our way leaving Trenton with some nice memories.

We cruised on Quinte Bay West for about 25 miles - beautiful with many large homes, summer cottages and farms on both shores.  We were in this area in 2011 when we were doing the Loop.  

 Have never seen this before.....a young man came upon us flying by on his motorized wake board holding on to a strap in front.

FAST way to get around the bay

We are anchored in Hay Bay in Greater Napanee, ON    So peaceful and quiet - been a long time since we've anchored out and always so relaxing!   A few fishermen were in the area but this is a large bay, so tonight, it's just us, 2 sailboats a good distance away and nature.

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