Saturday - July 20


Birthday girl swinging away can that be?    Our youngest grandchild and 2nd granddaughter is 8 today and we can so remember that happy day (July 20, 2016) when Maeve Kathryn arrived!    Maeve is small but mighty and says such funny things.   She's very crafty (nothing this little gal won't attempt) but also a very girlie girl who loves gymnastics !   She'll be in 3rd grade this fall.

Friends partying with Maeve at Tumblemania

Our day was spent going thru 7 locks (24 miles) starting with Burritts Rapids and ending here in Merrickville.   It was another pretty day on the water and we traveled with 3 other boats - all from Quebec and all speaking rapid-fire French.   

We were tied up at the blue line at 8:45 waiting for the first lock of the day to open.    Mark was climbing back on the boat and inadvertently stepped on the dockside water and meter inlet breaking it off.....arghhhh!    We haven't been using dockside water (very little water available for dockside hookup or to fill our water tank).   So when we were in the lock and he turned on the fresh water pump, water started spewing all over the back steps!    Yikes!    Mark quickly turned it off and after we were settled in Merrickville, he set to work and did a temporary fix.  He always carries LOTS of tools as he tells me "you never know what you might need" and that sure proved true today as he dug out his bag of plumbing supplies and tah dah....all good with our water supply till we get to Brewerton, NY and our good friend, Kim at EssKay Marina has already ordered the parts!!!    Really thankful he's so handy!

1st horses we saw on the Rideau

Very lucky and happy to be here in The Pond as there are only 8 spaces and we were #7 to come in - first come, first serve and depending on size of your boat.

The downtown of this cute little town is just steps away from the canal - they have St. Ann's Church (only have an 11:00 Mass on Sunday); grocery store, ice cream shop, coffee shop, and several nice clothing and home decor shops - pretty flowers, too!

We did facetime with Maeve and heard about her party, gift, etc.

We had a quiet afternoon and nice to have some "down" time!    Leftovers for supper and the rain started at 8:10 - not expecting that but when were tied up to the dock and done for the day, nice to have a little shower!

Connor, Anne and Liam are at the George Strait concert at 
Soldier Field in Chicago tonight!


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