Friday - July 26

A spectacular day weather wise - we rode with Seward to The R Diner while Mike, Marilyn and Karl met us there.     What fun these folks are and so enjoyed our visit.    Brenda (Mike's wife) was working in their boat virtually with her job.   We met her later.   Excellent breakfast!

Mark, Pat, Marilyn, Mike, Karl, Seward
at the R Diner

So, back to Catrina for pics and say good bye to Kim and Ethan.    Not sure if/when we'll see them again....but you never know.   As Mark says, maybe we'll come back to this area in Flo someday!


We got everything ready to take off with Karl and Mike handling the lines and away we went.   21.6 miles and 2 locks later we were in Baldwinsville - been here a few times before including June 5, 2018 when we drove here in our truck from Brewerton to see Dr. Suzanne Shapiro after I broke off part of a tooth when eating a butterfinger flurry at Rosie's in Brewerton a few days earlier.   Dr. Shapiro put on a temporary crown and I was good to go!

After getting the power cords hooked up and then the water hose, but oops....where's the regulator that goes on the pedestal water connection?    Realized we  left it behind in Brewerton!!!    Duh......duh....but then Seward to the rescue.   He and Phoebe drove 12 miles to deliver it - what a great guy and his sweet little dog.   We had a nice visit (wanted to take him to dinner but he wouldn't hear of it), but did want to see inside Catrina and then said our good byes with a plan to get together in FL this winter.   Sure sorry we missed Meg.....

Between the time we realized we were missing this regulator and Seward's delivery, we were on a hunt for coffee (me) and ice cream (Mark).    Both happy with our treats from Cafe Bee You and  JessiCakes.

Mark went back to the boat with his ice cream and I enjoyed browsing at 2 Twisted Sisters and made a dinner reservation at Olive's Eatery (all connected).   So, I'm walking back to the boat and have the walk sign and lo and behold, a white SUV (not sure if a man or woman was driving) came roaring around the side street going fast.   I was 1/2 way across the street and he/she never slowed down - I was frantically waving my hand that he/she would see me, but he/she just missed me by inches.  Very scary and what the heck - obviously this person was very distracted, not paying attention (I was wearing a white shirt)?????    2 cars stopped and asked if I was ok!    Much too close and so many memories of being hit 14 years ago....really shook me up - of course, Mark was a great comfort.

We walked to Olive's Eatery - sat in the courtyard and enjoyed our wine and dinners.   This is right where I crossed the street today..................just shudder thinking about it.   We checked it out the light situation at this T-intersection.   Those folks have the green light same time as I had the walk sign.....NOT SAFE....they should have a left-turn signal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   That driver was not watching for pedestrians!!!   

Cute little Visitor Center right by Catrina

Off to Newark and more locks tomorrow...

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