Monday - July 22

 Tah dah.....we did it!!!    Finished cruising on the Rideau Canal today with another 11 locks, 31.9 miles AND have now completed the 72 locks (Kingston to Ottawa) in 8 days!

We started out this morning getting the anchor up with some grass but nothing like the mud and thick grass in Morton Bay.   We left our Birmingham Island anchorage and arrived at the Jones Falls lock (1st of 4 at Jones Falls).   We were very surprised that no one was on the blue line (usually folks spend the night here so they can be first to go thru the locks in the morning.,    But, there were 4 boats and 2 jet skies coming upbound and they had the right of way.   Only 2 large boats fit in and then waited for the others.   SOOO, we didn't get in till 11 after arriving on the blue line at 7:20.

Catrina tied up to the blue line this morning
Love the beautiful reflection on the water

But most of the day went well and not as many boaters out today....we either were in locks or passed boats from Old Hickory, TN, Destin, FL, Annapolis, MD and Philadelphia, PA along with a few from Canada.    A few days ago when we were at Hurst Marina, we were docked beside "Twin Buoys" from St. Louis - wonder if they have twin "boys"?

We had sunshine for most of the day but also a dark cloud that hovered overhead and produced a few our stuff put down below thinking we were going to get something serious but never developed.    Binoculars, headsets, gloves, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, snacks, drink containers, and Skipper Bob's guide book on the Rideau are all part of what we keep handy when we're cruising.

We arrived in Kingston at 5 at the Confederation Basin (3rd visit this year).   Settled in, took showers and off to Aqua Terra in the Delta Hotel overlooking the marina.   We ate here a few year ago and really enjoyed it - another wonderful meal....ribeye for Mark and rockfish for me + sticky toffee pudding.   

Celebrating completing 72 locks
At dinner, we noticed this black maple leaf on a Canadian flag with red stripes?  
  Mark googled it and it represents a fallen firefighter or paramedic

Happy to have done this accomplishment - quick and short break from locks as we plan to cross Lake Ontario tomorrow....then more locks coming on the Oswego and Erie Canals.  Stay tuned...

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