Wednesday - July 17

 Whew…what a big day.    We left Smiths Falls at 9:20 with 2 other boats and then picked up another couple along the way.    All Canadian and the boat in front of us with 2 teenage daughters were very helpful and friendly.    We  did 12 locks - that’s a big day.   We had wanted to stop in Merrickville for the night but with so much rain and the high water levels near the dam, the docks are not safe.   Toronto really had severe flooding. a few days ago

So…..we kept on and arrived at our final lock of the day at Burritts Rapids around 2:30…only to find there was no room along the wall for us to spend the night.    Arghhhh and then an angel appeared in the form of a very nice lady from Montreal who was explaining to one of the lock staff in rapid French that we could raft off them.    Sooooo very grateful cause we were hot and tired and ready to be done for the day.    Rafted off with these nice folks on their “Le Loli”, a 45’ Meridian power boat.    John and La Loli

John and La Loli

We were so thankful for their generous offer to raft up with them - we gave them a bottle of wine.   They were happy and John gave me a kiss on each cheek!   La Loli has shoulder issues, too.

Today’s adventures were more remote with many farms, corn and bean fields, many lily pads (starting to bloom), low country scenery, cottages, cottages and more cottages + much bigger homes and campgrounds.    Summer-time living on the lake is alive and well here on the Rideau Canal.   

Farm with lots of hay bales

Cruising on the canal from Kingston to Ottawa is 126 miles and 3 of the 36 locks are hydraulic so just push some buttons versus all the cranking.

We traveled all the way today with Canadians – some from Quebec and the guys are always shirtless and barefoot!  

While waiting on the blue line this morning (that’s where boats tie up waiting for the lock to open), we heard some loons – they are popular up here.

So today is July 17 which means time to measure how far I can reach with my right arm/shoulder.   

Mark has been extremely thoughtful and conscientious about having me handle the lines and try to avoid all the stretching, pulling, reaching, etc. but there’s still plenty I have to do coming into the locks.  My hand continues to have all those weird sensations – burning, tingling, numbness, stiffness, etc.  

Making progress!

Paul had hand surgery on April 9the for his Dupuytrens (build-up of collagen).   We had lots of notes to compare on our hand issues as we were both told to plan on a year for recovery.

We are pretty much in the middle of nowhere but the Boathouse Cafe is across the street and looks like such a neat place with coffee, other eats, and a B 'n B , but they were closed when we got there and don't open til 9 tomorrow!    We plan to be long gone.....1st coffee possibility up here - so close, but no go...

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