Tuesday - July 23

It rained again overnight so Catrina was sopping wet this morning!   But amazing how Charlotte can still spin those intricate webs night after night!  😖

Bye bye Kingston - sure enjoyed our 3 visits this summer

 Hello from Oswego, NY......crossed back into the USA at 9:58 this morning.    We left Kingston at 7:45 and did 55.1 miles across Lake Ontario.   We are docked outside the La Parrilla restaurant, a nice on-the-water place connected to the Best Western Plus.

Entrance at channel

We had 1 footers and some rollers out there and did some pounding, but not bad and so different after the calm waters on the Rideau.    After settling in, we took off for downtown - been here a few other times and after checking Trip Advisor for a lunch spot, we went to #1 - The Red Sun Fire Roasting Co......delicious lunch in an old building - very charming and the nicest waitress - Stephanie.    Mark had the beef  'n bleu sandwich and I had a cobb salad.

Pink blooms in NY

After lunch we waked to BAME liquors to get a few things and then to Riverwalk Coffee Roasters - I had an excellent almond joy latte.   Back to the boat for a nice relaxing afternoon including a little nap.

Oswego seems to be thriving at least the downtown!    Always happy to see that!

We missed Sunday mass, and for some reason, not able to get Immaculate Conception and Father Jonathan on TV, so watched Father Chris Snyder from Holy Cross Chapel in Boston this afternoon.    We watched Mass from Boston with Cardinal Sean O'Malley and Bishop Robert Reed for so many weeks during the pandemic.

So after a day away from locks, we'll be back at it tomorrow as we have 8 locks on the Oswego Canal taking us to Brewerton.    We spent 4 years off and on (2017-2020) - Catrina was in storage in 2020 while we were out west on Flo.    Happy memories of staying at EssKay Marina and was hoping some of the same folks would be around.    We'll see Kim and Ethan (owners) and Tammy (office staff).    Meg and Seward from CT spend each summer on "Butterfly" but Meg's mother (94) passed away in St. Petersburg, FL on July 12th so she's there now taking care of things.    Mark and I met Betty, several years ago and what a delightful lady.   Seward will be back in CT for appts., so hoping we'll see him on Thursday?    And Mike, our friend from Greece is in Europe.   This technology is truly amazing as I texted Mike that we were going to be in Brewerton the next few days and he immediately wrote back that he's spending the summer in Greece!   We knew he had twin grandsons now 14 months (daughter) and found out he has a 7-month old grandson (son).    His kids/grandsons live near Brewerton.  He's a very proud Grandpa.

We also met Bev and Jim from Marion, NC (sailors) in '18 but  not sure if they're still boating.   Hope to catch up with them in October when we're in NC as they live fairly close to our kiddos at Lake James.

George and Jane are leaving tomorrow taking their boat back to Annapolis and selling it.    Sorry we'll miss them.

Leftovers for supper and then another walk - beautiful evening, but tomorrow, rain is coming!

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