Saturday - July 6

 Woke up to sunny skies and already 70.    We both slept pretty well at anchorage with some windows open, BUT......after leaving the mayflies behind in Port Clinton and been bug-free on Lake Ontario, this morning was another story.

It rained a little overnight but with the high humidity, Catrina was soaking wet and full of gnats EVERYWHERE!!!   UGH!    What a mess.   Dried off as best we could the areas we would be using, Mark remote-controlled getting the anchor (full of mud) up - have a wash-down-hose on deck to clean up and at 7:09 AM, we were on our way.    I mentioned yesterday it had been a long while since we anchored out - Mark checked his records - August 15, 2019 - holy moly, almost 5 years ago!!!

Another smooth day on the water but some very dark clouds rolled in - it was much cooler out there than yesterday - back to the jackets, blanket, etc. for several miles (38.7 total) and then arrived in sunny Kingston, a very old city founded in 1673 but so charming with neat architecture, many outdoor cafes, coffee shops, FLOWERS, etc.  all just steps away from the marina.    Big craft/art fair going on in the park.    Kingston has a population of around 132,000 and we are 1/2 way between Toronto and Montreal.

We settled in at the Confederation Basin Marina after hosing away the bugs!   Many memories came back from being here in 2011 (Loopers) and 2019 (cruising Lake Ontario - US harbors out of Brewerton, NY).    Checked in at the office as many vendors were setting up their tents, booths and items to sell.    Everything is so close to us!   

Walked to the Kingston Coffee House (several choices nearby) and walked around with our iced coffees - just love these old buildings with brick walls, wood floors, tin ceilings, etc.

Mark was off for ice cream at White Mountain a few hours later and then we walked to The Pilot House British Pub for some fish (Halibut) and chips + chicken tenders which were all very good.  Back to Catrina with leftovers and took it easy.

And then time to walk to Mass - 1st a quick stop at Metro for a few groceries and then to St. Mary's Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (0.8 from Catrina) for 5:00 Mass with Father Shawn Hughes.    What a beautiful place to spend some time this lovely day - built in 1843, it is Gothic Revival architecture.

Stopped at Shopper's Mart for a few more items and on home - Mark made some refreshing drinks and we sat on Catrina's bridge - sooo many people out and about enjoying the craft market, lots of street performers, dining al fresco, etc.

More beauty in downtown Kingston

Tomorrow we are heading back to the USA - Alexandria Bay, NY -  here we come!!!

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